I'm Jamie — Profit Strategist and Financial Literacy Coach.

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Amy Porterfield’s Digital Course Academy Full Review (2024)

May 13, 2024

Amy Porterfield and Jamie Trull with other Digital Course Academy Students Standing Side by side

Are you thinking about enrolling in Amy Porterfield’s Digital Course Academy (DCA)? If so, I bet you’re wondering what the online course about online courses is all about and whether it’s worth the investment. Am I right? 

In this review of Digital Course Academy (not to be confused with a digital product academy review), we’ll take a look at the online course modules and bonuses you can get. We will help you make an informed decision about whether DCA is right for you. 

If you do not already know me my name is Jamie Trull and I am a financial literacy coach and profit strategist. I want to share about the online course that changed my life and the trajectory of my online business.

You should know before we get too far that I am an Affiliate Partner for Amy’s DCA program but that is only because it was the SINGLE system that helped transform my entire business!

When you click on my links you may get referred to me which just means that if you decide that DCA is right for you and you use my link to enroll you will also get all of my AH-MAZING bonus offers worth over $1,800 as well as everything Amy is giving you.

I call that a win-win.

If it’s possible for me, it’s possible for you, too!

But first…meet Amy Porterfield, the genius marketer who created Digital Course Academy

Amy Porterfield sitting at desk with laptop

Amy Porterfield is an online business and marketing strategist. Beyond that, she is a recognized expert in the field of online course creation. 

Amy has helped thousands of business owners create and launch profitable digital courses. Her own digital courses have grossed millions of dollars. 

Forbes, Entrepreneur, The Huffington Post, and more have written about Amy’s amazing success.

And to me, Amy started as a mentor and now I am so happy to call her a friend of mine too. As soon as Amy became my mentor my audience grew and so did my vision for the future of my business!

How Digital Course Academy Changed My Online Business

When I say that I understand what it’s like to want to create an online course but not understand where to start, I mean it. This is just where I was in the fall of 2019. 

Working with 1-1 clients burned me out in my business

A digital course seemed like the best way to build the life I wanted to live. A life that put my desired priorities of family and meaningful work before all else.

After investing in DCA for my own business, I began my online course creation journey in 2020. Meeting Amy and investing in DCA gave me the support and guidance I needed to 10x my business and ultimately change my life.

I now have two profitable and thriving digital courses.

My first launch generated nearly $50K in sales.

I credit the valuable information I learned in Digital Course Academy. 

I teach financial literacy and profit strategy to business owners. We’ve evolved into selling digital products as well. And it was Amy Porterfield’s Digital Course Academy that set it all in motion in just a few months.

Learn more about my journey with Digital Course Academy and grab my favorite resources for digital course creators here.

Why I love Digital Course Academy

I’ve taken Amy Porterfield’s Digital Course Academy many times. 

Now I want to give my honest thoughts about the program.

I want you to know from the beginning that while I am a proud affiliate for Digital Course Academy. 

The reason that I’m an affiliate: I’ve taken this program and it has transformed my entire business!

If it’s possible for me, it’s possible for you, too!

Did the course MAKE me successful? Of course not. I had to put in the work.

But it was the key TOOL that I utilized as a framework to build and sell my online course.

Without it, I could have spent YEARS in trial and error mode, overloading on free content that didn’t get me anywhere, and wondering why all my effort just wasn’t working.

My results from Digital Course Academy inspired this review

My very first launch made close to $50,000.

I used the webinar fill-up formula that Amy teaches. 

So the $2,000 I invested was well worth it for me and has been well worth it for many, many, many other course creators. 

Here are the other intangibles you will receive before your first profitable launch: 

  • Save time spent on trial and error.
  • Save time researching on the internet.
  • Accountability from like-minded peers.
  • Resources and checklists that give you a path to follow.
  • Access to the woman herself, Amy Porterfield, through live Q&As.

Why the 2024 Digital Course Academy is the best DCA yet

DCA was already amazing and invaluable to me but for 2024 she has completely re-imagined and streamlined the course meaning that the content is better than ever. You are getting access to take action faster than ever before and even more helpful tips and knowledge than when I started a few years ago.

The 2024 Digital Course Academy includes:

  • recorded lessons, 
  • resources, guides, and checklists
  • a private podcast, 
  • and weekly Facebook lives with Amy inside a private Facebook group.

It can be tough to know where to start when it comes to creating an online course. 

There are many pieces to the online course creation puzzle. You must find your topic. Then you must plan and build your content.

You also must design your sales page and set up your email and course delivery systems.

DCA is THE answer to creating the best online courses. 

This comprehensive program walks you through every step of the process. 

From coming up with a great idea for a course, all the way through marketing and selling it.

You also get access to like-minded entrepreneurs in the private Facebook group.

What you can expect with the 2024 Digital Course Academy

Amy provides clear action steps and helpful tools to create your own digital course. 

She includes PDFs and worksheets to guide you in every lesson.

DCA is perfect for those who are afraid of technology (like I was!). The technology tutorials alone make the investment worth it for many students.

The step-by-step process videos within the tech library are resources that you can go back to again and again.

Plus, if you need help with online marketing strategies, Amy’s program will give you ideas for days. 

With a step-by-step process for each!

And of course, there will be bonuses!

This year, you can watch AND listen on your own time. 

That’s because Amy created a private podcast for the 2024 Digital Course Academy.

How awesome is that?

DCA covers everything from creating your course to marketing and selling it. And if you’re a get-er-done business owner? Overachievers can get a headstart if they want to! 

The DCA team condensed content delivery for the 2024 Digital Course Academy. 

Lessons are now delivered in six weeks with three weeks for implementation.

Get more of Amy Porterfield’s digital course secrets here in my exclusive interview with her.

The 2024 timeline includes strategic implementation weeks

This course covers all aspects of creating, marketing, and delivering an online course. Plus, you’ll get in-depth tips and tutorials on how to perfect your tech setup. 

One of Amy Porterfield’s strengths is her attention to detail. 

She will not disappoint during DCA! 

Amy goes through each module in great detail, step-by-step, from start to finish.

Once you’ve completed DCA, you will map out your entire course creation journey.

Here’s How Digital Course Academy breaks down:

  • Module 1: The 9 Key Decisions. Think of this as your roadmap for your course creation journey. you are about to create a plan so that you know step-by-step what you need to do to get your course launched!
  • Module 2: Validating Your Course. This one feels super personal to me, Amy invited me on her podcast Marketing Made Easy in 2019 and did a Validating Your Course Idea interview with me. Listen to it here. But the module will give you all the tools you need to plan and implement.
  • Module 3: The Art of Outlining & Recording Your Course. I never would have guessed so much would have gone into recording but I learned so much about how to do this from Amy which helped me to be able to plan and create the right strategy for me. I saved tons of time on mistakes that I would have otherwise made.
  • Module 4: The Digital Course Marketing Blueprint. Trust me when I say The marketing plan in this is very valuable! It includes sales page templates and details to write a converting sales page. I learned so much from this one personally.
  • Module 5: The Profitable Webinar Framework. This gives you the entire framework that I used to launch and sell my courses which I still use today. Just this one module is worth the price of the program and then some!
  • Module 6: Crafting Your Email Sequences. Email is one of the MOST VALUABLE resources to any small business but especially for you as an online course creator. This will teach you how to successfully craft and set up your emails as marketing tools to help your launch be successful.

Plus Amy also offers you exclusive Bonuses when you enroll in DCA

BUT…that’s not all. Keep reading if you love a good bonus experience.

The Jamie Trull Bonus Experience

Amy Porterfield and Jamie Trull Standing Together with looks of excitement

I am so excited to be partnering with Amy and offering you my EXCLUSIVE bonuses that are designed to help move you forward and keep you profitable. With this program, you’ll finally have the road map to finding the freedom you were looking for when you started your business. 

My Bonus Experiences (valued at over $1,800) were created specifically for you and they perfectly complement your DCA lessons.

I wanted to create bonus offers that would have helped ME when I first went through DCA.

We wanted there to be something for everyone, so we’ve created bonus experiences that speak to THREE key areas: Cash Flow, Connection, and Coaching.

My goal is to help you turbocharge your cash flow, make meaningful and long-lasting connections, and get personalized support with coaching.

And I’ll be right there with you along the way to help!

When you sign up for Digital Course Academy using one of my partner links on this page, you’ll get both Amy’s fabulous bonus offers, DCA AND you’ll have guaranteed access to ALL of these amazing EXTRA bonuses (or should I say BONUS bonuses?) from me! 

1. How to budget through a course launch

Finances are my thing, so this bonus package wouldn’t be complete without the tools and resources you need to have a PROFITABLE first (and second, and tenth) course launch!

Whether you consider yourself a “numbers person” or not, these resources will help you get a handle on your course finances and remove a lot of the guesswork! Here’s what you’ll learn with my exclusive training and templates:

  • Jamie Trull’s exclusive Profitable Launch Playbook: A Comprehensive Financial Guide to help you navigate your digital course launch to financial success
    • Course Pricing Calculator: Determine the optimal price for your course, considering factors like target audience, content value, and competitors’ pricing.
    • Launch Budget Planner: Plan and track all expenses related to the course launch, including marketing, technology, support staff, etc.
    • Ad Spend Optimizer: Calculate and optimize the budget for advertising, including ROI estimation.
    • Profit Projection Dashboard: Project potential profits based on different scenarios, such as best case, worst case, and most likely.
    • Cash Flow Tracker: Manage cash flow by tracking actual revenue from sales, payment plans, and other income sources.
    • Tax & Savings Planner: Calculate potential taxes and recommend savings strategies for financial compliance and security.
    • Metrics & Analytics Tracker: Keep track of essential metrics for continuous growth and improvement.
    • Break-Even Analysis Tool: Determine the break-even point for understanding the minimum sales required.
    • Personal Financial Goals Aligner: Align course launch profits with personal financial goals.
    • Post-Launch Profit Assessment: Assess actual profitability versus the plan for future insights.
Jamie's DCA Bonus Experience Cashflow

2. Connect to build Momentum

Connections were the KEY to me making progress and getting past roadblocks when I created my course…and it still is critically important to my success today!

The large DCA group can sometimes feel intimidating, so I wanted to create something a little more intimate. Plus, I love the opportunity to get to know each of you and hear about YOUR courses! Here’s what you’ll get

  • Intimate Facebook group for bonus members.
  • Make meaningful Connections.
  • Mixer Events for Networking and Happy Hour Meetups
  • Plus access to our DCA Bonus Expereince Member Directory to take your networking a step further. 
Jamie's DCA Bonus Experience Connection

3. Personalized Coaching 

Brand-spanking new for 2024, we decided to take our Digital Course Academy Partner bonus experience to the next level.

We know that even with the best resources available to us, sometimes it’s extremely helpful to have truly personalized support when embarking on any new journey. So, exclusively for those who join through our DCA partner link, you’ll get 1:1 support from Jamie via the Voxer app.

With this exclusive Voxer access, you can get direct answers to your questions, share your ideas, and receive expert insights throughout your DCA journey. Whether you need to bounce ideas off someone who’s been there or seek expert guidance, Jamie is here for all of it!

What You Get:

  • Access to Jamie 1:1 via the Voxer app throughout DCA. You can bounce course ideas or ask questions of a veteran course creator!
  • Encouragement and support from someone who has been there, done that, and can help keep you motivated and on track if you are feeling stuck.
  • Direct access to one of Amy’s biggest success stories who has generated nearly $2M in revenue through digital courses and other digital products utilizing Amy’s DCA methods.

Learn more about my DCA Affiliate Partner bonus offers here.

Jamie's DCA Bonus Experience Personalized Coaching on Voxer

So, are you ready to join DCA?

It’s no secret that online courses are a hot commodity right now. It can feel like everyone and their mom is launching one, but that doesn’t mean they’re all created equal.

DCA is the real deal. 

DCA is a comprehensive program for aspiring course creators.

It will guide you through every step of creating and launching a webinar. 

You’ll learn how to set up email marketing. The DCA tech tutorials will have you implementing like a pro!

Plus, you get access to all our bonuses, plus all bonuses Amy offers! 

DCA 2024 opens for enrollment at 9am CST/7am PST on September 18th and is only open for a few short days! So if this is starting to feel like the next step in your business to take you to where you want to be don’t wait too long. Go check out all the details. We don’t know when doors will open again but I can tell you that this is the only time that it will be available in 2024.

If you are reading this after enrollment closes be sure to sign up for our waitlist so you know the next time doors open and can get access to our bonus offers then.

Thanks for reading this 2024 DCA Review!

Y’all know I love profit, right? So I want you to experience a profitable digital course launch.

That is one of the many things I love about what Amy Porterfield offers in Digital Course Academy!

See even more of what’s coming up in the 2024 Digital Course Academy launch in the video below. 

And of course, if you have any questions, please email us at [email protected] and I will get them answered for you!

Can’t wait to see you inside Digital Course Academy – grab my bonus offers when you enroll with my partner link to DCA here!

Frequently Asked Questions About Creating a Profitable Digital Course

How do I choose my core topic for my digital course?

Choosing a digital course can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Choose a topic that you’re passionate about. Confirm it’s a topic that people want to learn more about. 

How do I decide on the type, of course, I want to create?

There are a few things to consider when making this decision. 

  • First, what type of digital content are you passionate about creating? 
  • What format do you want your course to take? 

DCA will answer these questions and more.

How much does Amy Porterfield’s DCA cost?

DCA’s cost is $1,997 full price, but there are also payment plans available.

Will you have any bonuses?

Digital Course Academy will offer bonuses and we will, too! See more about them at the end of this article!

Our bonus package in three different experiences: 

  • Connection
  • Cashflow
  • Coaching

These are elements I wish I had when I went through DCA myself, and I know our bonuses will enhance your experience. Grab them here when you enroll with my affiliate partner link for Digital Course Academy.

If you’re ready to build your family empire and hire your kids to work for your business, this article is a great start to setting up a Family Management Company!

I'm Jamie — Profit Strategist and Financial Literacy Coach.

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Reading suggestions

Affordable Tech

Profit First: My Love/Hate Relationship

Hobby Loss Rule - Side Hustlers Beware