I'm Jamie — Profit Strategist and Financial Literacy Coach.

Reading suggestions

Affordable Tech

Profit First: My Love/Hate Relationship

Hobby Loss Rule - Side Hustlers Beware

If you’ve ever wondered “Should I, can I, open a Roth IRA for my child?” Today I’m thrilled to share an exciting tax strategy with you today! This strategy is for small business owners who also have children. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the powerful concept of making your child a millionaire by […]

S Corp

Making A Millionaire: Can I Open a Roth IRA For My Child?

Kid with a lot of money. If you're excited about creating generational wealth, youll enjoy this article detailing the benefits of Roth IRAs.

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Thinking about forming an S Corp? We’ve got your back. With the Jamie Trull team on your side, you can hit the ground running with your business and make sure you’re doing it right. We aim to bring an extra dose of innovation to the process so that navigating all the S corp rules and […]

S Corp

S Corp Tax Deadlines 2024 Approaching Fast: Mark Your Calendar!

S Corp Tax Deadlines: Business tax deadlines you need to know for filing your federal income tax and S Corp tax deadlines.

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As a CPA and someone who makes a living teaching financial literacy and cash management to small business owners and self-employed individuals, people routinely ask me my thoughts on Profit First, the book and business cash management system by Mike Michalowicz. For those who aren’t familiar, the Profit First system centers around using bank balances […]


Profit First: My Love/Hate Relationship

Jamie thinks about profit first

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